Saturday, October 24, 2009

Chain of love

It's interesting how going from having just two partners to having three or more can create complicated networks of romantic relationships. My own network already has quite a few people in it. In our case, it turns out to be a line, which has a certain aesthetic elegance to it:

    M - G - W - Galen - Karma - C - M - C
This particular line of lovers has also fostered something of a family feel among us. It's not uncommon that we all end up together to watch Doctor Who or share a meal. I imagine as the connections grow, so will our sense of family.

Recent events remind me of the added STI risks of polyamory. Someone down the line added a partner for a short while, which brought at least another 4 people into our network. It turned out one of them has herpes. Thanks to communication, that has halted some things as people take stock and prepare for testing.

The fragile health of some in our line in some ways constrains our choices and limits the growth of our network. This isn't entirely a bad thing. It increases our communication, curbs our impulses, and helps to filter out some poor choices.

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About Me

I'm polyamorous. Galen is the pseudonym I use to shield my real identity to protect myself from the stigma regrettably associated with polyamory. This is my free place; my comfortable space. A request. If you have me friended on FaceBook or in other "real life" venues, please don't talk about poly related stuff. Thank you.

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